With great pleasure I'm sharing very happy news!
On the 7th of October I successfully defended my Master Thesis on Light Pollution in Canton Aargau as a part of the Master Program in Spatial Planning at the Technical University of Zürich (MAS Raumplanung, ETHZ).
A short excerpt from the abstract:
One of the goals of this paper was to create a tool helping securing one of the qualities of natural habitats – the natural darkness, which is necessary for physiological and behavioural stability of many organisms affected negatively by light pollution. As a result of a holistic approach to the light pollution problem, a novel tool was created: the Dark Zone Network (DZN), which represents a network of all natural areas in the canton, and is complementary to the ecological infrastructure national concept. It can be anchored in the cantonal Structure Plan as a reference map, since it addresses the light pollution problem comprehensively at the cantonal level, allowing for tailored implementation at the communal level.
The Thesis is available below for download!